The world wants more women to step into leadership roles now, more than ever before including in the Board Room. We can help get you there with the ACE Board Primer Series.

BONUS: When you enroll for the Primer Series you get a special VIP discount code for the ACE MasterClass Collection of 99% off the regular price of $595 – that’s just $5.95 – and access to over 10 hours of valuable board wisdom.

All Online, All Self-Paced

The ACE Board Primer Series is a 3-part online course designed to prepare and get more women on boards. Once you have completed the series, you will be ready to take the ACE Board Assessment Quiz to measure where you are now in your board readiness.

Learn About The Program From Your Facilitator, Michele Ashby


We Need More Women On Boards

You've got a lot to offer a board because you want to make a difference. The ACE Board Training Primer Series will teach you the key elements to help you be prepared.

Look Great On Paper

Look amazing on paper so you can stand out from the stacks of resumes for those coveted board positions.

Make An Impression

You only get one chance to make that first impression. Learn how to nail your board interview.

Get The Seat

Make sure you're prepared to raise your hand when offered a board seat and be ready to serve and lead.

The world wants more women to step into leadership roles now, more than ever before including in the Board Room. We can help get you there with the ACE Board Primer Series.

BONUS: When you enroll for the Primer Series you get a special VIP discount code for the ACE MasterClass Collection of 99% off the regular price of $595, and access to over 10 hours of valuable board wisdom.

The Ace Board Primer Series

You'll get 60 days access to our 3-part series, exclusive workbook and insider board tips. Here's exactly what you'll be getting:

Primer I: Creating Your Board Resume

Learn why you need a board resume and the differences between a board resume and your professional job resume. Get what you need to build your winning board resume.


Primer II: Preparing for Your Board Interview

Board interviews differ from job interviews – learn about the ways to prepare yourself for that big interview for a board.


Primer III: Tips for Getting on Boards

You need time and preparation to get on a board. Learn about how much time it may take, what qualifications boards are looking for, who to talk to and much more.


See What Real People Are Saying

"Michele has designed an easy to follow program proven to increase the representation of women on corporate boards. The ACE Board Training Primer Video Series was a perfect fit for me as someone who had some board experience but was still seeking that key first paid board appointment. Her sage advice, coupled with quality content plus her recommended actions were invaluable to me. An equally important part of her program was hearing the stories from other women of their board journeys plus the intimate “live” coaching session directly with Michele. I was left feeling empowered and motivated which is largely due to Michele’s inspiring and authentic leadership style and the superior program she has developed."

— Marilyn Spink | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"Thank you, Michele and guests... the stories and shared knowledge from you, the guest board members and John Kelley made so many of the situations I have seen while serving on boards make sense. The unspoken rules and expected behaviors/preparations discussed are very real and very much needed to successfully serve on a board. This primer has inspired me to help more organizations by serving on more boards, but also to improve my contributions to the boards I am currently on. Thank you!"

Heather Bennett

"I was appointed to the Volunteer Toronto Board of Directors earlier this week. This is my first ever Board appointment and I feel honoured to be part of an established and respected organization. I credit my success to taking your Board Primer course and attending the coaching call with you. Thank you for everything that you do!"

Sushma Narisetty

"These are unprecedented times and this helps so much. The structure of the course and the content is so well done - it gave me concrete answers to questions I had and to many I didn't even know I should be asking. I want to take the full certification course, maybe next year when, hopefully, things will calm down a bit. Taking the course re-affirmed my intentions to serve on a board in the future."

Martina Blahova

"Really great tips in this session, I certainly have more to think about. It was most important to me to understand the differences between public and private boards, since I expect to be targeting private boards. Now I just need a deeper dive into avoiding the trap of acting too much like management instead of a board member! "

Deanna Lusby

"Dear Michele thank you for making this so accessible at such an amazing ‘price’! I have completed the Women on Board course and really looking forward to doing this one! Great to see you support women on boards! "

Orchid Jahanshahi

"Thanks, Michele, for the time and effort that you devote to uplifting and empowering women through this course and your other efforts! "

Meg Collins


In addition to this 3-part video series chock full of valuable information, you'll also get the ACE Board Primer Workbook and a bonus video you'll want to make sure you watch showing you what it's really like inside the board room.

We Need YOU On A Board. And You Need To Be Ready.

Because you never know when you'll get that call or email from someone saying
“I think you would make a great board member.”


50% Complete

Two Step

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